Some tips to stay safe at the grocery store

Just some friendly reminders when going to the grocery store to lessen your chances of getting Covid (courtesy of a newspaper insert): I also recommend using a shopping cart (whether it's your own or a store one) to put behind you when waiting in line to keep the distance from other shoppers since many people do NOT follow social distancing. It's a nice way to keep the distance without having to potentially start a confrontation with a stranger. Some people have the nerve to actually touch my cart and move it and I don't say anything, but wipe it down with antibacterial hand wipes; but after enough times I will be upset. I have thought about putting a sign up that says something along the lines of: "Don't touch this cart. Someone is in front of you. Walk around it if you need to get by." 😊 NOTE: References to "I" & "my" in this post is for Carly Calabrese (the founder & implementer of this Covid awareness & support blog that ...