Leftover different types of lung teas I took to help recover after I had Covid

To assist with the long-term breathing problems I had when recovering from Covid, I took a picture of the leftover different types of lung teas I still have in my pantry (BELOW). I liked the "Lung Soother" (tea that's pictured in the middle of the other teas) best with regard to taste especially after letting it steep for awhile (when the taste of the tea intensifies) it's still good. These teas were bought off of Amazon. The price of the Lung Soother tea was in the $6 range.

I have this leftover Mucus Relief Maximum Strength tablets (BELOW) from when I had Covid. I don't think they did much, but when I checked the expiration on it today (it's still good until 3/2025). I won't photograph other healthy breathing supplements (tablet form) that I took as I no longer have and besides I honestly think the lung teas (which are supplements as well) are the most beneficial. Be sure to follow the instructions for the tea/(s) you choose to drink.

I also won't photograph the 5 cough medicines I used but can tell you that the cough after having Covid lasted 6 weeks.


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