Who knows how to really win at Covid? (Meaning one of the BEST overlooked tips to GREATLY minimize risk).

Having had Covid the ONE and only time & learning how I could've prevented getting it (after knowing how I got it), is by asking those pre-screen questions that were asked at many businesses the first 2 years of Covid. As I mentioned in my welcome video, I modified those pre-screen questions to ask if the person/people you're going to be near are sick of any kind (defined as a cold, flu, Covid-19, & anything else that's NOT listed here that's contagious) AND/OR been around anyone that they (are aware of) that's sick of any kind (as defined here) AND/OR has anything contagious (outside of my definition of sick of any kind) AND/OR been around anyone that's contagious (outside of my definition of sick of any kind) within the last 14 days for all of what's been asked here to consult with me ASAP BEFORE my appointment (even if anything changes after I arrive, consult with me from a safe distance).

Why is it important to ensure you ask if they are sick of any kind/been around anyone that's sick of any kind and NOT just Covid symptoms? Because some people can't tell the difference between a cold, flu, and Covid, some don't take a Covid test, and sometimes symptoms are NOT the regular Covid symptoms that can still be Covid. For example, when that new cleaner that I had never met before came to my home & mentioned on the phone when we discussed the project how she wasn't coming with her "sick cleaning partner that has the flu", but she was, warning bells didn't go off for me since to me the word "flu" does NOT mean Covid. Plus, I wasn't thinking about asking if she had been around her "sick cleaning partner" because I was thinking of how when people work in an office, for example, the sick person is at home & not even near others at work (but, obviously that wasn't the case with this cleaner that came to my home & her cleaning partner). Another example to support my point, this past Christmas, my mom's partner started experiencing chills & diarrhea and even though he wasn't going to be coming to my home any longer (we talked on the phone right before they were going to come over), my mom was NOT experiencing any symptoms, but agreed with me that symptoms could develop later & she stayed home as well. This was a smart move on my part since that ended up being Covid.

Are you still ensuring you're asking other/(s) before getting in close proximity to them pre-screen questions and ensuring you're putting those pre-screen notes in your file for places you frequent? (i.e. your chiropractor, massage therapist, hairdresser, tax professional, etc.?) Put your answers/comments/questions below. 🙂🙏

Yes, eating apples helps fight Covid, but one of the most overlooked ways to fight Covid is to ask prescreen questions.


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