Another way to stay healthy & prevent Covid/sickness in general

When I recently went to Winco and used their restroom, the only option they have in their restroom for drying your hands is to use their hand air dryer. As I mentioned in a recent post, hand air dryers are to be avoided at all costs in any public restroom (I knew this LONG before Covid). I walked out of the restroom and was about to ask the worker at the pizza stand in the store for napkins when I saw they were on the counter (so I used to dry my hands on). 

If you want to be extra cautious, you can grab the first napkin out and NOT use it, wipe down your hand that touched the napkin you did NOT use with a hand wipe (you should carry hand wipes OR hand sanitizer on you at all times) and then dry your hands off with the next set of napkins in the napkin dispenser/stack. WHY? You have no idea if some little kid (or anyone for that matter) put their scuzzy hand on the napkin and changed their mind and decided NOT to use it.


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